What IF… you could stop the unthinkable BEFORE it happened?

5/25/22 by: Allie Lynch Tennessee company hopes new gun-detection technology can be integrated into schools

GALLATIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — New technology created in Middle Tennessee is designed to contain threats at schools, including keeping deadly weapons out of school buildings.

It’s called the “Phantom,” and its creators believe it’s a new way to keep children and teachers safe.

If a person enters the Phantom with a weapon — the device will detect the threat and shut the person in – containing the weapon until a school official has arrived.

“It detects large enough pieces of metal that could be a gun,” said one of the Phantom’s creators, Bill Roark.

Roark said it’s designed to be installed in a school lobby at an exclusive entrance area. Ideally, it would be at the only point of entry for any late arrival.

The Phantom is transparent, bullet/shatter-resistant, and fully automated.

“The Phantom is made of an inch and a quarter polycarbonate, so someone inside of it can’t shoot their way out,” Roark said. “Smaller caliber guns actually ricochet off of it, heavier firepower will embed in the wall but it will just embed it won’t go through.”

After hearing President Biden’s response to Tuesday’s shooting, Roark believes the Phantom is one of the many answers to putting an end to the devastating gun violence.

“The president said last night this is unacceptable and we have to stop it, well the way to stop it is to stop the guns getting into schools,” Roark said.

Do you know how many school shootings there have been recently?

Three middle Tennessee technical and electrical engineers saw a need for a proactive way to address and reduce firearms in school, government and financial environments.

They set out to design and build something safe, automated, and an asset to local authorities.

The purpose of The Phantom is to keep threats (including deadly weapons) out of the building and away from all students. It filters for weapons, not people.


It is possible to make schools safe from gun violence.


The Phantom is a preventative safety measure to be installed in a school lobby at an exclusive entrance area and the only point of entry for any late arrival. 

The purpose of The Phantom is to keep all threats (including deadly weapons) out of the building and away from all students.


Ready to take the next step?

For information and questions, and for details about securing The Phantom for your facility, contact our sales arm at Proactive Solutions by emailing us at info@thephantom.io.